
From Young Composers
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This category holds all articles pertaining to musical instruments and singing voices. Articles may include but are not limited to information on:

  • Ranges
  • Tone/Timbre
  • Manner of Notation/Transposition
  • Playing Capabilities
  • Availability in an Various Ensemble Settings
  • Uses in Orchestration

Note that while articles in this category provide fundamental, concise, and detailed information on various instruments to benefit the composers understanding of them, these articles are not meant to replace a good text on orchestration and should not be treated as a sole source of information for the learning composer. Budding composers may want to search the forums for suggestions on proper orchestration texts.

Instruments and Voices
Woodwinds Flute (Piccolo/Alto/Bass)RecorderOboe (Cor Anglais/Oboe D'amore/Heckelphone)Clarinet (E♭/Bass/Contrabass)

Bassoon (Contrabassoon)SaxophoneBagpipes

Brass HornCornetTrumpetTromboneEuphoniumTubaSaxhorns
Keyboards PianoOrganHarmoniumHarpsichordClavichordCelestaAccordion
Percussion Tuned: TimpaniGlockenspielChimesVibraphoneXylophoneMarimbaCrotalesMusical sawHammered Dulcimer

Untuned: Snare drumBass drumTriangleCymbalsGongsTom-tomsShakersDrumset

Electronic ThereminOndes MartenotSynthesizerElectronic Wind Instrument
Stringed Bowed: ViolinViolaVioloncelloContrabass

Plucked: HarpGuitarMandolinBanjo

Voices Female: SopranoMezzo-soprano (often mistaken with Alto)Contralto (often mistaken with Alto)

Male: TrebleCountertenorTenorBaritoneBass-baritoneBass