C minor

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C Minor Attributes

Relative major: Eb major
Parallel major: C major

  • Fr. do mineur
  • It. do minore
  • Ger. c-Moll
  • Sp. do menor

C minor (or Cm) is the natural minor tonality, scale or chord based on the tonal center of C. The scale and tonality are made up of the pitches C, D, E♭, F, G, A♭, and B♭, while the chord comprises of C, E♭, and G. Its key signature consists of three flats.

<music> \cadenzaOn \meterOff \key c \minor c d ees! f g aes! bes! \bar "|"<c, ees! g>1 <ees! g c> <g c ees!> </music>

The C Minor Scale and Chord Inversions

C minor's role in instrumentation

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Extra-musical associations with C minor

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Famous pieces in C minor

To use this layout:

  • Johann Pachelbel - Canon and Gigue in D
  • Igor Stravinsky - Violin Concerto

Scales and Keys
Major scales C major, C-sharp major, D-flat major, D major, E-flat major, E major, F major, F-sharp major, G-flat major, G major, A-flat major, A major, B-flat major, B major, C-flat major.
Minor scales C minor, C-sharp minor, D-flat minor, D minor, D-sharp minor, E-flat minor, E minor, F minor, F-sharp minor, G-flat minor, G minor, G-sharp minor, A-flat minor, A minor, B-flat minor, B minor, C-flat minor.
Modal scales Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian.
Jazz scales Blues scale, Bebop scale, Altered scale, Lydian dominant scale/Acoustic scale, Phrygian dominant scale.
Other types Whole tone scale, Pentatonic scale, Octatonic scale/Diminished scale, Chromatic scale, Quarter-tone scale.