Profile:Erica the EclecticPhilosopher
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Eclectic is 14 years old. She is home schooled, but taking one class (band) from the local high school. She plays the piano very well, the organ passably, flute well, fife adequately, bassoon well and violin atrociously.
She has been composing since she was 5 or 6 years old. She plays flute and bassoon in the local Varsity High School band, and flute in the High School Jazz band. She has been in these programs for two years, and has recently earned a musical award in this school that seniors sometimes attain.
She is an avid devourer of books, from self-help to science fiction. She collects words. Some of the latest additions to her collection are stipulation, amoeba, gelid and magnanimous. She enjoys drawing complicated designs on the back of her left hand. She enjoys poking fun at amusingly perfect female (or male) story characters (Mary-Sues, or Gary Stus, respectively), especially in Lord of the Rings fanfiction. She draws manga in her spare time. She is also attempting to keep her betta fish, named Haldir, alive. She has had two major phases in her (short) life: Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. She is knowledgeable on both of these subjects beyond what is reasonably healthy for a human being. And yes, she was once a member of the mob known as 'crazed Legolas fangirls', but now she is very very much past that. As you read this, she's probably either practicing piano, composing, reenacting a Jedi battle scene for said betta fish or reading Les Miserables.
These are some songs that she has played well on the piano:
- Moonlight Sonata and Fur Elise by (of course!) Beethoven
- Sonatina, Op. 36, no. 3 by Muzio Clementi
- Elfin Dance, Anitra's Dance, March of the Trolls, and Wedding Day at Troldhougen by Edvarg Grieg
- Invention no. 8 and Prelude in C major by J.S. Bach; Fantasia in D Minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Aufschwung by Robert Schumann
- Chanson Triste by Tchaikovsky
- The Entertainer by Scott Joplin
She is currently struggling through Prelude in C-Sharp Minor by Sergei Rachmaninoff.