Profile:Chris Gallegos
From Young Composers
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Contact Information
If you would like to contact Chris Gallegos, for his compositional skills or otherwise, e-mail him at His Young Composer's Forum screename is Fermion. Apparently, he really likes fermions.
Chris's influences include classical composers such as Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. He is also influenced by modern composers such a Nick Gottschall and Konner Scott. However, his most powerful influences come from popular music; bands such as Tran-Siberian Orchestra, Tool, Rush, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, and Kansas are all included in his list of influences.
Audio Files
- "Stairway to Heaven Arrangment" for Orchestra; submitted in The School of the Rock contest.
- "Revelation": A twelve-track album expressing the emotions conjured by that final book of the Christian Bible by picking out key passages and phrases and conveying them in musical form.
- "The Midnight Sun": A concept album Chris is making with his band Revellion comparing the life of a person to a single day. Also a psychological exploration of the nature of truth, faith, and inevitability of death.
Other Projects
- Christopher Gallegos also plays keyboard for the progressive metal/progressive band Revellion with band members Liam Fitzgerald (Drums), Eric Field (Guitar), and Adriel Bienn (Drums)