Category talk:YC Profiles
Mozart and Shostakovich reached milestone birthdays this year (Mozart celebrating 250 and Shostakovich turning 100). But what about the candle count for other major composers? We just might need to bring out the fire extinguisher for some of them. Happy birthday, Western Music!
Could you compare Bach and Schoenberg, or discuss Prokofiev and Shostakovich relation to the communist goverment in the Soviet Union?
Could you give an overview of contemporary classical composers today, such as Arvo Part, Giesehler Klebe, and others? To what extent are composers today being influenced by popular and rock music (in the past folk music had influence in classical music)? How has film changed how composers compose? Is minimalism still alive and kicking? It seems that rhythm drives rock, sometimes with very simple chord progressions, or very few chords, and rhythm drives much minimalist music.
What about classical music and musical stylistic pluralism? Does classical have worldwide appeal--it seems you can find symphonies in every major city around the world.
Finally, could you look at Bach and the pursuit of excellence and faithfulness in plying one's musical craft, week in and week out? He didn't seek fame, but simply did his job really well, SDG, and is now considered one of the greatest composers ever (thanks, Mendelssohn!).