Young Composers:Forum Activity, 02/06/2011 - 02/12/2011

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Advice and Techniques
Black Orpheus college majors
Black Orpheus what am i doing wrong notationally
bryla what am i doing wrong notationally
Ferkungamabooboo college majors
Ferkungamabooboo what am i doing wrong notationally
Ian mind control and pre experience
Ian mind control and pre experience
jawoodruff mind control and pre experience
Marius mind control and pre experience
Marius mind control and pre experience
MariusChamberlin mind control and pre experience
Mercurious209 mind control and pre experience
Mercurious209 mind control and pre experience
Mercurious209 mind control and pre experience
Mercurious209 mind control and pre experience
Peter_W. mind control and pre experience
Peter_W. mind control and pre experience
Peter_W. mind control and pre experience
SergeOfArniVillage mind control and pre experience
Silva mind control and pre experience
Silva mind control and pre experience
Announcements and Technical Problems
chopin text in nav bar out of place
Ferkungamabooboo text in nav bar out of place
Ferkungamabooboo text in nav bar out of place
jesusfreak1277 report issues with the new site here
MariusChamberlin text in nav bar out of place
MariusChamberlin text in nav bar out of place
Peter_W. report issues with the new site here
SergeOfArniVillage yc literally doesnt like anyone
Silva report issues with the new site here
Zer0 how did you find young composers
Ask YC
Black Orpheus what is linear harmony
Calevera what is linear harmony
Calevera what is linear harmony
Ferkungamabooboo what is linear harmony
MidgarZolom four part writing root position triads
Peter_W. four part writing root position triads
roy four part writing root position triads
siwi four part writing root position triads
Tokkemon what is linear harmony
Chamber and Solo Vocal Works
composerorganist unfinished dada song cycle
composerorganist singing sisters of waterloo tennessee
DenNet marinas death
Dirk Gently autopsicografia
prestidigilicious alleluia for womens choir sa divisi and woodwind quartet
Chamber Music
andreavezzoli ricercare sul do clarinet trio arrangement live perfomance
andreavezzoli ricercare sul do clarinet trio arrangement live perfomance
andreavezzoli canzona for len
Black Orpheus haiku
Black Orpheus scherzo giocoso
Black Orpheus ricercare sul do clarinet trio arrangement live perfomance
Black Orpheus the popcorn party
ChsBt0ne solo di hobo
Dirk Gently quintet for piano and winds
f-x ricercare sul do clarinet trio arrangement live perfomance
JohnPax scherzo giocoso
Kristina A the popcorn party
Kristina A the popcorn party
Kristina A the popcorn party
Magna Carta exotic for 13 instruments
MariusChamberlin passion for string quartet
MariusChamberlin tango for guitar and violin
Masteriusz tango for guitar and violin
nickstix91 etude for long arms
roy toccata
roy freedom
roy invention 2 for quartet
roy ricercare sul do clarinet trio arrangement live perfomance
roy the popcorn party
semotivo invention 2 for quartet
semotivo ivention for trio
semotivo a theme
SergeOfArniVillage scherzo giocoso
Silva the popcorn party
SimenN trumpet sonate
siwi ricercare sul do clarinet trio arrangement live perfomance
stefanpalen nimbus
SYS65 theme in g m for orchestra
The J trumpet sonate
TheWannabeChopin octet in b flat
Tidemann preludium g moll
Usernamed preludium g moll
Usernamed preludium g moll
Vlessgorian transcendence for solo violin
whiteballloons freedom
whiteballloons nostalgic elements
whiteballloons trio
Collaborative Works
apocryphal_oboe virtual choirensemble
jesusfreak1277 collaborative opera project
JijGaat virtual choirensemble
JijGaat virtual choirensemble
mikable collaborative opera project
mikerippe collaborative opera project
TheWannabeChopin collaborative opera project
cheese messiah ncem competition
Vlessgorian vst competition
Composer's Headquarters
Aniolel philomel
AntiA copying another composers work
composerorganist philomel
composerorganist philomel
computers70 copying another composers work
designbox91 copying another composers work
Dule the case of lady gaga
Ferkungamabooboo philomel
Ferkungamabooboo philomel
Magna Carta philomel
nikolas copying another composers work
nikolas copying another composers work
nikolas copying another composers work
Peter_W. the case of lady gaga
Peter_W. copying another composers work
Peter_W. copying another composers work
Sepharite offering piano recordings of your music
SYS65 copying another composers work
Tokkemon philomel
Concert, Marching Band
AntiA contest piece for wind ensemble
Gixander storm and calm
Mellostorm jubilation rondo concert band
Mellostorm the pursuit of knowledge concert band
MichaelAlex contest piece for wind ensemble
musicgal15 hooked movement 1 brass
musicgal15 hooked movement i percussion
musicgal15 hooked movement ii percussion
musicgal15 hooked movement ii woodwinds
musicgal15 hooked movement ii brass
musicgal15 hooked movement iii percussion
musicgal15 hooked movement iii woodwinds
musicgal15 hooked movement iii brass
nickstix91 nocturnal sunset
Peter_W. contest piece for wind ensemble
Peter_W. contest piece for wind ensemble
pliorius for the bearers of the flag
Zer0 yc awards 2010 theme
Finale and Sibelius Help Desk
Peter_W. psa
Game and Film Music
Alpha Orchestra strenuous griffith
amuraa boss battle
BlazingDragon winter in liomril
DenNet sakura sanctuary remix
DenNet boss battle
John Axon arena
John Axon inner secrets
John Axon this is for you
John Axon this is for you
MariusChamberlin theme leila
MariusChamberlin this is for you
MariusChamberlin this is for you
MiggTorr boss battle
nemesis theme leila
Nicrion boss battle
PhantomOftheOpera theme leila
theyiffers sakura sanctuary remix
Zer0 sakura sanctuary remix
Zer0 boss battle
Zer0 boss battle
Incomplete Works; Writer's Block and Suggestions
ChsBt0ne im worried i may have accidentally plagiarized
ChsBt0ne milk and honey the american frontier
Dominus Vobiscum no 121
Ferkungamabooboo im worried i may have accidentally plagiarized
MariusChamberlin passion for string quartet
MariusChamberlin passion for string quartet
MariusChamberlin passion for string quartet
Nyu001 im worried i may have accidentally plagiarized
roy no 121
siwi passion for string quartet
bachcab hello everyone
Bagelz hi there
Black Orpheus hello
Black Orpheus hello
jesusfreak1277 hi there
jesusfreak1277 hello
Kristina A hello
Kristina A hello
Kristina A hello
Peter_W. hello everyone
robinjessome hello everyone
roy hi there
robinjessome randomness with robin
Large Ensemble
The J tell the truth run fast
Large Vocal Ensembles
David Vogan she walks in beauty
johnbucket my heart leaps up when i behold satb div
Kristina A micah 7
MiggTorr my heart leaps up when i behold satb div
prestidigilicious kyrie
Monthly Competition
ChsBt0ne february 2011 competition
Dirk Gently february 2011 competition
Ian february 2011 competition
Ian february 2011 competition
micamic february 2011 competition
micamic february 2011 competition
Off Topic
Berlioz a bvrick
Black Orpheus a bvrick
ChsBt0ne a bvrick
ChsBt0ne a bvrick
Dominus Vobiscum httpycforumleadsofteu
Ferkungamabooboo a bvrick
Ferkungamabooboo httpycforumleadsofteu
Franzman yc awards 2010 winners
Mitchell a bvrick
ParanoidFreak a bvrick
Peter_W. yc awards 2010 winners
Peter_W. a bvrick
Peter_W. a bvrick
Peter_W. a bvrick
robinjessome yc awards 2010 winners
roy a bvrick
roy a bvrick
roy a bvrick
SYS65 yc awards 2010 winners
Tokkemon httpycforumleadsofteu
AntiA adagio lamentoso
AntiA ride of the war horse
Berlioz pastorale brillante
Dule superabimus
Dule superabimus
francis94 symphony no 1 in a minor the tragedy 1st movement
JaredTC symphony no 1
JaredTC symphony no 1
jesusfreak1277 joanna dancing with lights
micamic joanna dancing with lights
micamic joanna dancing with lights
MusicFiend symphony no 1
musicgal15 hooked movement i woodwinds
musicgal15 hooked movement i woodwinds
nikolas superabimus
nikolas superabimus
nikolas superabimus
Nyu001 superabimus
Playboy symphony no 1
SYS65 symphonic movement
SYS65 pastorale brillante
SYS65 hooked movement i woodwinds
Piano Music, Solo Keyboard
amuraa piano solo for a lover
amuraa piano solo for a lover
andreavezzoli short piano variation on a dutch song
andreavezzoli ricercare sul do
andreavezzoli ricercare sul do
Aniolel sunrise on ice
apocryphal_oboe nocturne n 1
apocryphal_oboe sunrise on ice
apocryphal_oboe sunrise on ice
BlazingDragon sorrow
BlazingDragon peddlers song
Diya Kendle lullaby no 1
ja_rivera canona alla ottava 1
ja_rivera largo for piano
ja_rivera largo for piano
ja_rivera waltz no 1 3
jrcramer largo for piano
Kefienzel sunrise on ice
kly45 theme and variations
kly45 theme and variations
Nicrion nocturne n 1
Nicrion sunrise on ice
Peter_W. with every gain comes a loss
pliorius the ways of leaving
roy short piano variation on a dutch song
roy largo for piano
roy ricercare sul do
roy ricercare sul do
roy lullaby no 1
SergeOfArniVillage waltz for piano in f major
SergeOfArniVillage transcendental sonata
SergeOfArniVillage with every gain comes a loss
SergeOfArniVillage peddlers song
SergeOfArniVillage sunrise on ice
SergeOfArniVillage the silk queen
Silva waltz no 1 3
TheWannabeChopin lullaby no 1
TheWannabeChopin piano solo for a lover
Tokkemon sunrise on ice
Pop, Rock Ensembles
Daniel elevator musak
DenNet walking to nowhere
Nicrion down in flames
tercjawski rage against the machine mix my tribute
Selected Works
Gaudeamus trance macabre
SergeOfArniVillage trance macabre
turpentine_angels trance macabre
Serious Discussions
Berlioz concept of god
Berlioz concept of god
Berlioz concept of god
Black Orpheus concept of god
Black Orpheus is science dangerous
Ferkungamabooboo is science dangerous
Globutron concept of god
Globutron is science dangerous
Inkweaver concept of god
Inkweaver concept of god
Inkweaver concept of god
Inkweaver concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff concept of god
jawoodruff is science dangerous
jawoodruff is science dangerous
jawoodruff is science dangerous
jawoodruff is science dangerous
johannhowitzer concept of god
johannhowitzer is science dangerous
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. concept of god
Peter_W. is science dangerous
Peter_W. is science dangerous
roy is science dangerous
Saiming is science dangerous
Saiming is science dangerous
Saiming is science dangerous
Saiming is science dangerous
Tokkemon concept of god
Tokkemon concept of god
Tokkemon concept of god
Tokkemon is science dangerous
Tokkemon is science dangerous
Small Ensemble
DenNet the ice king takes a shower
Software and Hardware
Bagelz advice on daw and libraries
Black Orpheus bfd2 and midi drum controllers
Ferkungamabooboo masteringmixing lessons
nikolas masteringmixing lessons
nikolas masteringmixing lessons
Sound Libraries
Ian give me your piano midi
Wiki Articles
ParanoidFreak wiki music of the renaissance a study guide