Young Composers:Forum Activity, 01/09/2011 - 01/15/2011

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Advertisements and Member Announcements
bryla composer needed
immortallismusica composer needed
ShadyCat composer needed
Tokkemon composer needed
Advice and Techniques
Dominus Vobiscum temperament
Dominus Vobiscum temperament
Dominus Vobiscum temperament
dscid temperament
dscid temperament
Ferkungamabooboo digital synthesis library
Kamen temperament
Kamen temperament
Kamen temperament
Kamen digital synthesis library
Marius digital synthesis library
Announcements and Technical Problems
chopin marius
Daniel marius
JohnPax report issues with the new site here
Muzic report issues with the new site here
Peter_W. report issues with the new site here
SYS65 marius
Ask YC
Black Orpheus questions on structure of a sonata
bryla tips for writing an orchestral soundtrack piece
Evano composing for indie video games
Evano questions on structure of a sonata
Evano questions on structure of a sonata
geektar90 questions on structure of a sonata
Sojar Voglar questions on structure of a sonata
SYS65 tips for writing an orchestral soundtrack piece
Vlaflip tips for writing an orchestral soundtrack piece
Chamber and Solo Vocal Works
andreavezzoli autopsicografia
Sofie mar portugues
Usernamed kyrie updated
Chamber Music
alessandrogozzo violin sonata
Black Orpheus metamorphosis final version
Black Orpheus quintet for piano and winds
composerorganist metamorphosis final version
Davison viola concerto no 1 in a minor arranged for violin and piano in e minor
Dirk Gently quintet for piano and winds
fabledpilgrim cabal sacrifice
Ferkungamabooboo the angry pacifist unicorn theme song for bass clarinet
f-x solemn dance
HeckelphoneNYC exotic for 13 instruments
HeckelphoneNYC viola sonat ette
jawoodruff solemn dance
JohnPax quintet for piano and winds
jrcramer viola sonat ette
merpmway poor wandering one variations
Morgri metamorphosis final version
MusicFiend the angry pacifist unicorn theme song for bass clarinet
ParanoidFreak ok ginger ilio volante
ParanoidFreak molto allegro
ParanoidFreak cabal sacrifice
ParanoidFreak the angry pacifist unicorn theme song for bass clarinet
Peter_W. ok ginger ilio volante
powermetalmaster overture
powermetalmaster violin sonata
powermetalmaster concerto for strings in b minor
prestidigilicious exotic for 13 instruments
prestidigilicious ok ginger ilio volante
prestidigilicious viola sonat ette
sabiansoldier deuce for flute and organ
SergeOfArniVillage ok ginger ilio volante
siwi deuce for flute and organ
Sofie quintet for piano and winds
Usernamed molto allegro
Collaborative Works
jesusfreak1277 there will be rest
neurotechnics27 there will be rest
neurotechnics27 there will be rest
Inkweaver concert band competition
jesusfreak1277 the 3d music competition
piano_player18 concert band competition
Composer's Headquarters
andreavezzoli another article on modern music
andreavezzoli another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
AntiA another article on modern music
bkho should i consider writing these out
Black Orpheus arvo part
Black Orpheus should i consider writing these out
Ferkungamabooboo another article on modern music
Ferkungamabooboo another article on modern music
Ferkungamabooboo another article on modern music
Ferkungamabooboo another article on modern music
Ferkungamabooboo another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jawoodruff another article on modern music
jrcramer arvo part
MariusChamberlin another article on modern music
MariusChamberlin another article on modern music
MariusChamberlin another article on modern music
MariusChamberlin another article on modern music
MariusChamberlin another article on modern music
Matthew Becker arvo part
Muzic arvo part
Peter_W. another article on modern music
pliorius another article on modern music
pliorius arvo part
prestidigilicious arvo part
prestidigilicious should i consider writing these out
robinjessome another article on modern music
SergeOfArniVillage another article on modern music
SergeOfArniVillage another article on modern music
SergeOfArniVillage another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC another article on modern music
SSC arvo part
ThePianoSonata another article on modern music
Tokkemon another article on modern music
Tokkemon another article on modern music
Tokkemon another article on modern music
Tokkemon another article on modern music
Tokkemon another article on modern music
Tokkemon another article on modern music
Tokkemon another article on modern music
Voce another article on modern music
Concert, Marching Band
ChsBt0ne in motion
Charybdis tidal chamber
FeatherNote the music box lullaby demo
FeatherNote not so epic epic song
Jonah-B silver
Ness2022 five to one
Peter_W. five to one
stewboy rainforest
stewboy rainforest
SYS65 rainforest
SYS65 the music box lullaby demo
SYS65 not so epic epic song
Finale and Sibelius Help Desk
jrcramer adding a temporary staff
WolfgangSachs adding a temporary staff
WolfgangSachs adding a temporary staff
Game and Film Music
_Danny dark business
Daniel shugosha theme
John Axon administrators
John Axon golden sun rising
John Axon rejected short piano drama themes for a film
John Axon oboe trio no 1
John Axon angry caverns set
John Axon angry caverns set
John Axon angry caverns set
LGV91 administrators
LGV91 administrators
LGV91 oboe trio no 1
LGV91 angry caverns set
Marius golden sun rising
melodicSmiley ragtime
melodicSmiley shugosha theme
melodicSmiley insomnia
PianoOnWheels oboe trio no 1
PianoOnWheels angry caverns set
PianoOnWheels dark business
stumppi insomnia
The J administrators
The J administrators
The J insomnia
The J angry caverns set
The J angry caverns set
Incomplete Works; Writer's Block and Suggestions
andreavezzoli new zimmerish theme
Dirk Gently start of string quartet and piano quintet
jawoodruff something different
Jem7 new zimmerish theme
Jem7 new zimmerish theme
johnphoenix28 go lovely rose
MiggTorr go lovely rose
MiggTorr go lovely rose
MiggTorr go lovely rose
neurotechnics27 go lovely rose
neurotechnics27 go lovely rose
neurotechnics27 go lovely rose
neurotechnics27 go lovely rose
neurotechnics27 go lovely rose
Peter_W. go lovely rose
Peter_W. go lovely rose
Peter_W. go lovely rose
Sofie start of string quartet and piano quintet
maxtuno hello a small sample of my work
paquijote hello a small sample of my work
MariusChamberlin marius chamberlins composition journal
Mitchell the thread in which i tell you about things
Mitchell the thread in which i tell you about things
Large Vocal Ensembles
andreavezzoli vocalise
fkt christmas agnus dei 3 20
fkt christmas agnus dei 3 20
alessandrogozzo lessons with siwi
alessandrogozzo lessons with siwi
alessandrogozzo lessons with siwi
jawoodruff lessons with musicfiend
Michael P. composition lessons with michael p
Michael P. composition lessons with michael p
MusicFiend lessons with musicfiend
siwi lessons with siwi
siwi lessons with siwi
siwi lessons with siwi
Tokkemon orchestration lessons the string section
neurotechnics27 lyrics needed
neurotechnics27 lyrics needed
neurotechnics27 lyrics for choral composers
neurotechnics27 lyrics for choral composers
Peter_W. lyrics needed
Peter_W. lyrics for choral composers
Peter_W. lyrics for choral composers
Monthly Competition
MusicFiend december competition
nickstix91 december competition
TheWannabeChopin january 2011 competition
Off Topic
Berlioz masturbation
Berlioz masturbation
Berlioz ctrl v
Berlioz ctrl v
Black Orpheus the haiku thread
ChsBt0ne yc comedy club
ChsBt0ne ctrl v
Daniel the haiku thread
Franzman post cute females
Gamma 2010 yc awards nomination thread
Globutron masturbation
Globutron masturbation
Ian masturbation
jawoodruff masturbation temporary replacement thread
johannhowitzer yc comedy club
johannhowitzer yc comedy club
johannhowitzer masturbation
jrcramer ctrl v
Max Castillo masturbation
Max Castillo masturbation
Mitchell masturbation
Peter_W. ctrl v
pliorius yc comedy club
robinjessome rj5 album artwork
Saiming the haiku thread
Saiming masturbation
Saiming masturbation
SYS65 yc awards 2010 voting
alessandrogozzo overture
AntiA saturn
Dule symphonic suite
Dule saturn
Dule saturn
Dule saturn
jawoodruff overture
jawoodruff symphony in e flat
JohnPax symphony in e flat
jrcramer 3 elegies
jrcramer symphony in e flat
LGV91 symphonic suite
Maggini untitled symphony i allegro wip
Maggini fate chorale for orchestra
makwingka sci power overture
makwingka christmax overture
makwingka saturn
makwingka saturn
makwingka symphony no 1 diversity
mistry freedom symphony 1st symphony iv adagio
mistry symphony no 1 diversity
MusicFiend symphony no 1 diversity
nwtlr1 symphony no 1 diversity
nwtlr1 symphony no 1 diversity
nwtlr1 symphony no 1 diversity
prestidigilicious 3 elegies
stumppi into the light
SYS65 untitled symphony i allegro wip
SYS65 sci power overture
SYS65 symphony in e flat
SYS65 for claire
SYS65 fate chorale for orchestra
SYS65 christmax overture
SYS65 saturn
SYS65 symphony no 1 diversity
SYS65 symphony no 1 diversity
ThisIsAndyCullen for claire
Tokkemon symphony in e flat
Tokkemon saturn
Tokkemon saturn
~Jeneca~ pie jesu
~Jeneca~ pie jesu
~Jeneca~ pie jesu
Peter_W. pie jesu
siwi pie jesu
Tokkemon pie jesu
Ferkungamabooboo kreol play music by typing
robinjessome kreol play music by typing
robinjessome kreol play music by typing
Piano Music, Solo Keyboard
andreavezzoli miniatures
bkho waltz
ChsBt0ne canon
Daniel mutes theme
FeatherNote fantasy in bb
FeatherNote celestial lullaby
FeatherNote celestial lullaby
Ferkungamabooboo miniatures
f-x sonatina
f-x celestial lullaby
f-x sonata for piano 1st movement
f-x sonata for piano 1st movement
f-x prelude theme and variations on a french folk song
Gamarshall sonata for piano 1st movement
Gamarshall piano sonata no 2 the sanderson sonata
Gamarshall prelude theme and variations on a french folk song
Gamarshall prelude theme and variations on a french folk song
immortallismusica tude no 1
immortallismusica waltz
immortallismusica sonatina no 1
JohnPax ambient drops
jrcramer miniatures
jrcramer miniatures
MatthewW prelude theme and variations on a french folk song
Michael P. atonal peice 2 revised theme 4
ParanoidFreak tude no 1
ParanoidFreak canon
ParanoidFreak piano sonata no 2 the sanderson sonata
Peter_W. sonata no 1b
Peter_W. celestial lullaby
Peter_W. celestial lullaby
Peter_W. prelude theme and variations on a french folk song
pliorius ambient drops
pliorius trash piano theme
prestidigilicious sonata for piano 1st movement
robcush794 waltz
robcush794 tude no 1
robcush794 waltz
roy waltz
roy prelude theme and variations on a french folk song
Sepharite ambient drops
Sepharite ambient drops
SergeOfArniVillage waltz
Tokkemon prelude theme and variations on a french folk song
Pop, Rock Ensembles
Alpha Orchestra hopless
Franzman not enough soul up in this bitch
Jem7 misty woods
PhantomOftheOpera misty woods
stumppi misty woods
Selected Works
Berlioz nocturne
Black Orpheus nocturne
Black Orpheus nocturne
Daniel nocturne
JohnPax nocturne
jonnyjohn nocturne
SergeOfArniVillage nocturne
Tokkemon nocturne
Tokkemon nocturne
Serious Discussions
Anders gay rights
Berlioz gay rights
Berlioz gay rights
Berlioz gay rights
Berlioz gay rights
Berlioz gay rights
Berlioz gay rights
Berlioz gay rights
Berlioz gay rights
Black Orpheus gay rights
Black Orpheus gay rights
Black Orpheus gay rights
composerorganist gay rights
composerorganist gay rights
Daniel gay rights
Daniel gay rights
Daniel gay rights
Daniel gay rights
Daniel gay rights
Daniel gay rights
Ferkungamabooboo gay rights
Ferkungamabooboo gay rights
Ferkungamabooboo gay rights
Ferkungamabooboo gay rights
Ferkungamabooboo gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Globutron gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
Inkweaver gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
jawoodruff gay rights
johannhowitzer gay rights
johannhowitzer gay rights
johannhowitzer gay rights
johannhowitzer gay rights
johannhowitzer gay rights
Mitchell gay rights
Mitchell gay rights
Mitchell gay rights
Mitchell gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Peter_W. gay rights
Saiming gay rights
SSC gay rights
SSC gay rights
SSC gay rights
SSC gay rights
SSC gay rights
SSC gay rights
Tokkemon gay rights
Tokkemon gay rights
Tokkemon gay rights
Tokkemon gay rights
Sound Libraries
Anze Rozman sound sample size ewqlso
bkho give me your piano midi
bkho give me your piano midi
bkho give me your piano midi
bkho give me your piano midi
SergeOfArniVillage give me your piano midi
SergeOfArniVillage give me your piano midi
SergeOfArniVillage give me your piano midi