Young Composers:Bugs

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Report bugs found on the Young Composers test site and live site. If an error concerns the live site (the site you are probably viewing this page from), the aim is to have it corrected in the next update of the test site.

  • Column 1: Bug type
    • Browser: put this if the error is browser specific: (ie6+, firefox issues, etc)
    • Aesthetic: put if the error is CSS or Javascript related (includes layout errors, disappearing images, etc)
    • Inefficiencies: put for pages that are slower than normal, graphics that load slowly, etc
    • Minor: for typos and other silly little bugs
    • Upload: for uploading errors
    • Other: if your bug does not fit the above
  • Column 2: Browser type and version
    • Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, etc. Specify Mac or Linux when appropriate, Windows is assumed (XP/Vista/7 not important).
  • Column 3: Description of bug/error
  • Column 4: Resolved (yes/no)
  • Column 5: Date


Bug Type Browser Type Description Resolved? Date
Minor Chrome 3 Online Users section has huuuuge font. No Date
Minor Chrome 3 Headers look ugly in all caps, font choice is poor. No Date
Minor Chrome 3 User control box should have a border and bg-colour to set it apart. Buttons have images in background that aren't supposed to be there. No Date
Minor Chrome 3 Primary nav font should be larger and bold. No Date
Aes.  ? No horizontal scroll bar in reduced window yes/no 10/8/10
Aes Chrome 6 Network and forum log in were synced, but network login timed out after ~2hrs  ? 10/9/10
Aes.. Chrome 6 "Home" button on forum/site logo redirects to wrong locations  ? 10/9/10
Aes. Chrome 6 Notifications/Friend request buttons not redirecting properly  ? 10/9/10
Aes Successful login screen - "Thanks" should stand out more from bg. yes/no Date
Aes. browser "Enter" key doesn't send login info yes/no 10/9/10
Aes.  ? Pressing "Save" after editing profile redirected to "white screen" yes/no 10/9/10
Upload  ? Upload failed - Message said "no allowed to use .jpeg image extension on the board" yes/no 10/9/10
Aes.  ? "can't look at the forums" yes/no 10/9/10
 ?  ? Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'youngdatabase'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /home/ycforum/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_4/skin_forum.php on line 103

Error connecting: (Apparently could not access threads unless in the "most recent" column, e.g., visible from main forum page) || yes/no || 10/9/10

Uploads  ? .pdf files often fail to upload yes/no reoccurring
Aes.  ? log ins fail to redirect correctly yes/no 10/10/10
Uploads  ? Piece disappeared yes/no 10/10/10 - Reoccurring
Uploads  ? When attempting to play music, 403 (Forbidden) Error given yes/no 10/10/10
Aes.  ? "Like" button does not work yes/no 10/11/10
Aes.  ? Expanded friends list text overlaps yes/no 10/12/10
Aes.  ? "Liked" composition appears under "My playlist" rather than "Liked compositions" yes/no 10/13/10
Aes.  ? "Like" button overlaps other button yes/no 10/13/10
Uploads/Aes.  ? "Edit piece" button not working yes/no 10/14/10
Aes.  ? When you comment on a piece on the user's page, Linebreaks don't transfer over to the thread (shows up yes/no date
Aes  ? Reduced window causes buttons at top of page to "bunch" yes/no 10/18/10
Aes.  ? Avatar/profile picture confusion. Changed 1 (not sure if it was avatar or prof. pic) and it didn't show up on forum yes/no 10/18/10
Uploads  ? "Edit piece" redirected to homepage,MIDI files wouldn't upload yes/no 10/22/10
Aes.  ? A new PM shows up as a notification on the home page but as a little pm icon over on the forums. yes/no 10/24/10
Aes.  ? URL miscoded when using searchbar- Missing "/" between .com and profile www.youngcomposers.comprofile/music/deathraider/composition?entry=30965 yes/no 10/24/10
Aes.  ? Views/plays of a piece does not update on user's list of pieces yes/no 10/29/10
Aes Safari 5 Mac OS 10.6 - latest Shoutbox extends to end of page, not within layout yes/no 10/30/10
Aes.  ? Local links to uploads/upload threads redirect to homepage yes/no date
Uploads IE8, Firefox, Chrome User unable to upload yes/no 11/4/10
Uploads  ? Cannot delete a piece of music, only thread. Piece stays on uploads list. yes/no 11/5/10
Aes.  ? All threads show up on creator's profile, INCLUDING private threads made by mods, etc! yes/no 11/5/10
Minor  ? Default choice for "remember me" is ON, would prefer to be off yes/no 11/11/10
Minor  ? the tooltip (on buttons along top of forum? rather vague) says "Notifcation" (spelling issue) yes/no 11/13/10
Uploads  ? when uploads thread is created, two links appear in the forum, one of which doesn't work yes/no 11/13/10
Uploads  ? "update" feature uses "pg" format instead of "profile" format (in urls of music that has been updated) yes/no 11/13/10
Uploads  ? Uploading multiple movements - you receive a 404 error trying to upload scores! yes/no 11/18/10
type  ? details yes/no date