Percussion Staves in Finale
"It seems to me that a fair share of newer users on Young seem to have difficulty understanding the concepts of applying percussion staves to their score in Finale. The method is actually quite simple, though it can become annoying at times. Finale, I feel, does not provide the most easy-to-understand topic on percussion staves, so this walk-through may help clarify some things. Do note that this article was written with Finale 2002 in mind and may well be outdated in some aspects." - James Householder
Creating a Percussion Stave with a Pre-Defined Percussion Map
Creating a percussion stave in the first place is the easy part. First of all, Finale offers a wide variety of Percussion Maps (or templates) which already set up the correct instruments to play in the proper place on the stave. Using these templates is simple. To insert a stave with a percussion map already installed, select "New Staves (with Setup Wizard)" from the Staff Menu. If you wish to create a stave for snare drum only, select "Snare Drum" from the Drums category. Now you have a stave that is ready for note entry and playback. Many staves have more than a single sound on each line or space, so entering notes may be deceiving at first. For instance, the snare stave will two sounds on the middle (only) line, the snare itself and a rimclick, so you need to choose which one to use for every note you enter. This is done in Speedy Entry by using the plus (+) and minus (-) keys on the NumPad until the desired sound is acquired. Unfortunately, there are two different snares available, and the dance snare will be the one that is set whilst the orchestral snare will need to be assigned to the correct (middle) line. This is where most people get confused.
Changing and Altering Percussion Maps
From the example above, we worked with a simple snare stave with two sounds, one was a rimclick, the other was (by default) a dance snare. If you try to use the + or - keys on the NumPad, you will find that the sound for the orchestral snare does not lay on the middle line of the stave, in fact, it is seven ledger lines down. To reset the selected percussion map to play the orchestral snare sound instead of the dance snare, right-click on the stave's handle and choose "Select Percussion Map...". From this window, you can choose a different pre-defined percussion map, or you can create a new one or alter existing ones. Snare Drum should already be selected, so choose "Edit...". From here you will need a reference as to which midi note number the sound you desire is designated. A chart is provided at the bottom of this article. Because the orchestral snare sound that we want resides on note 40 (E2), click on that row in the window at the left (see ex.1a). Type a distinctive name in under the Note Definition group box. Set the Playback note to the desired sound, in this case 40, or E2. Drag the handle in the small stave window to set the place of the note wherever you wish it toAppendix
GM Percussion Patches
In order for a percussion stave to play back correctly, it must be set to channel 10. Once a stave is set to channel 10, all sounds applied to it will come from its designated patch. The default patch selected is 00 Acoutic Grand Piano, but there are many others. If you want a brush kit, an electric kit, a gong, or realistic orchestral snare, you can select from the following patches:
000 - Standard Kit
009 - Room Kit
017 - Power Kit
025 - Electronic Kit
026 - TR-808 Kit
033 - Jazz Kit
041 - Brush Kit
049 - Orchestra Kit
057 - Sound FX Kit
128 - CM-64/CM-32L
GM Percussion Sounds
The majority of percussion patches have all the same order. The Standard, Room, Power, Electric, TR-808, and Jazz kits all share the sounds in the same order, but have distinctive tones. The Electric kit, for instance, has all the bass, snare, and toms that the standard kit does, only they sound different. On the other hand, many sounds for the orchestra and sound effects kits are drastically different.
Standard Kit, Room Kit, Power Kit, Electronic Kit, TR-808 Kit, and Jazz Kit Sounds
27 High Q
28 Slap
29 Scratch Push
30 Scratch Pull
31 Stick Click
32 Square Click
33 Metronome Click
34 Metronome Bell
35 Kick Drum 2
36 Kick Drum 1
37 Side Stick
38 Snare Drum 1
39 Hand Clap
40 Snare Drum 2
41 Low Tom 2
42 Closed Hi-Hat
43 Low Tom 1
44 Pedal Hi-Hat
45 Mid Tom 2
46 Open Hi-Hat
47 Mid Tom 1
48 High Tom 2
49 Crash Cymbal 1
50 High Tom 1
51 Ride Cymbal 1
52 Chinese Cymbal
53 Ride Bell
54 Tambourine
55 Splash Cymbal
56 Cowbell
57 Crash Cymbal 2
58 Vibraslap
59 Ride Cymbal 2
60 High Bongo
61 Low Bongo
62 Muted High Conga
63 Open High Conga
64 Low Conga
65 High Timbale
66 Low Timbale
67 High Agogo
68 Low Agogo
69 Cabaça
70 Maracas
71 High Whistle
72 Low Whistle
73 Short Guiro
74 Long Guiro
75 Claves
76 High Woodblock
77 Low Woodblock
78 Mute Cuica
79 Open Cuica
80 Mute Triangle
81 Open Triangle
82 Shaker
83 Sleigh Bells
84 Belltree
85 Castanets
86 Mute Surdo
88 Open Surdo
Brush Kit Sounds
The Brush kit has the same layout as the Standard kit, but there are three major differences:
38 Brush Tap
39 Brush Slap
40 Brush Swirl
Orchestra Kit Sounds
The following is the full list of notes that differ from the standard kit:
27 Closed Hi-Hat
28 Pedal Hi-Hat
29 Open Hi-Hat
30 Ride Cymbal
31 Stick Click
32 Square Click
33 Metronome Click
34 Metronome Bell
35 Concert Bass Drum 2
36 Concert Bass Drum 1
37 Side Stick
38 Orchestral Snare Drum
39 Castenets
40 Orchestral Snare Drum
41 Timpani F
42 Timpani F#
43 Timpani G
44 Timpani G#
45 Timpani A
46 Timpani A#
47 Timpani B
48 Timpani C
49 Timpani C#1
50 Timpani D
51 Timpani D#
52 Timpani E
53 Timpani F
54 Tambourine
55 Splash Cymbal
56 Cowbell
57 Concert Cymbal 2
58 Vibraslap
59 Concert Cymbal 1
Sound FX Kit Sounds
39 High Q
40 Slap
41 Scratch Push
42 Scratch Pull
43 Stick Click
44 Square Click
45 Metronome Click
46 Metronome Bell
47 Guitar Fret Noise
48 Guitar Cut Noise Up
49 Guitar Cut Noise Down
50 Double Bass String Slap
51 Flute Key Click
52 Laughing
53 Screaming
54 Punch
55 Heartbeat
56 Footsteps 1
57 Footsteps 2
58 Applause
59 Door Creaking
60 Door Close
61 Scratch
62 Wind Chimes
63 Car Engine
64 Car Brakes
65 Car Passing
66 Car Crash
67 Siren
68 Train
69 Jet Plane
70 Helicopter
71 Starship
72 Gun Shot
73 Machine Gun
74 Laser Gun
75 Explosion
76 Dog Bark
77 Horse Gallop
78 Bird Tweet
79 Rain
80 Thunder
81 Wind
82 Seashore
83 Stream
84 Bubble