Category:YC Music Articles

From Young Composers
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This category contains essays/treatises/tutorials/etc. on music or composition written by members of Young Composers - they are bound to contain a certain degree of subjectivity. Additionally, articles in this category may not be required to employ the otherwise standard third person perspective.

We encourage you to be as creative as possible when you write an article intended for this category. Whether you want to teach, encourage, help or just philosophize, anything is permitted - as long as it is in some way related to music. It is our hope that this category will grow into a veritable goldmine of creative food for thought!

Note: we are just starting out on this new venture. Please feel free to add new articles to this category if you wish. However, according to the guidelines specified above, if your article is strictly factual then you should find another category to place it in.

To include an article in this category, simply add the following line to the bottom of the article:

[[Category:YC Music Articles]]